+34 972 136 057
Information: +34 972 136 057
Commercial Attention: +34 972 136 057
Ski School - Alta Vall del Ter: +34 619 205 565
Ski School - Guies Nordsud: +34 636 121 505
Ski School - Setcases: +34 621 256 528
Ski School - Vertical Emotions: +34 629 216 507


La Vall de Camprodon

  • Vall de Camprodón, the true natural paradise!

    Vall de Camprodon, close to Vallter, is a natural paradise for mountain lovers. With its typical mountain houses and streets, its gastronomy, fauna and landscapes become an important point of reference in rural tourism in Catalonia.


    Its relief is marked by the ridge formed by the Pic Bastiments, Pic de la Dona and Serra del Costabona. The most remarkable altitudes are located on the axis of mountains separating the Vallespir del Ripollès, with the peak of the Bastiments, 2,881 meters.


    With a mountain climate, its relative proximity to the sea determines a high rainfall, which (together with the altitude) conditions the vegetation in the Valley.


    True faunistic treasures, such as the white partridge, the capercaillie, the boreal owl, the golden eagle, the bearded vulture, the wildcat, the pine marten or the marmot, among others, populate this territory.


    For further information, please visit the following webistes Mancomunitat Vall de Camprodon and Vall de Camprodon.  


    More information:
    +34 972 740 010
    • The municipalities

      The municipalities

      The Vall de Camprodon includes the municipalities of:

      - Llanars
      - Molló
      - Sant Pau de Segúries
      - Setcases
      - Vilallonga de Ter

      More information.

    • The territory

      The territory

      Vall de Camprodon, for many years, is part of the Catalan collective imagination as a tourist destination: for travellers passing through and visitors staying for a couple of days or even longer. It is a reference in active tourism, nature, culture and leisure.


      A good example are all routes crossing Vall de Camprodon on foot, by mountain bike or by car.


      Más información.

    • Varied heritage

      Varied heritage

      • Natural heritage: Vall de Camprodon highlights the natural, landscape and ecological values that, from the high mountain to the bottom of the valley, give place to the important natural diversity of the territory. More information.


      • Historical, architectural and cultural heritage: The historical, architectural and cultural values of the Vall de Camprodon are seen throughout the territory: hermitages, oratories, sanctuaries, churches, civil constructions, art exhibitions, shepherd's cabins, stone enclosures and archaeological sites. More information.


      • Agribusiness and gastronomic heritage: In Vall de Camprodon there has always been a strong tradition of livestock and agriculture, so the production and processing of agri-food has always been a very important sector, both economically and tourist, with a variety of quality food products. More information.
    • Places of interest

      Places of interest

      Vall de Camprodon is full of natural, landscape, historical, architectural and cultural attractions that create the identity features of this territory and its municipalities, its urban centres and small towns and neighbourhoods.


      More information.

  • Images of Vall de Camprodon

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